Song of the week: "Summertime Sadness" by Lana Del Ray: My new favorite song on the radio. It's a perfect song as summer fades into fall and have one last fling before it ends.
Run of the Week: Petersburg National Battlefield. Yes, I know I had this one a while back, but I finally found the time to circumnavigate the trails marked yellow on the map. Its about a 6.6 mile loop from the parking lot and if you go far enough out, you end up on a little used, sometimes overgrown, single track trail for about a mile and a half. It cuts across the battlefield along a ridge with a very nice view and works its way around to some places of interest. Overall, it was totally worth it and I will be running it again as the leaves start to change colors.
Currently Reading: Moving Mountains by Lt. General (Ret.) William G. Pagonis. Its a really fascinating read on his life and career as one of the Army's best logisticians ever. I find it very easy to read and follow. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to learn more about the logistics side of the Army.
Weeks 7 and 8 of QM BOLC have just flown by. I learned a lot to do with logistical operations and other functions that a Quartermaster can have. Despite the fact that we had three tests in four days and a memo due, I am finally starting to like what I am learning and I feel like I understand the concepts.
Week 7 was all about property management and how important it is to the Military. I went from being completely confused about this topic in ROTC (I was assigned to teach it to the others in my class) to I now have a solid basic foundation on which I can build off of for the rest of my career. It did help that the instructor was very engaging and always brought back his points to a real world experience of his own or someone he knew.
Week 8 covered two, albeit brief but important, subjects. Mortuary Affairs and Areal Delivery & Field Services. I learned that while there is a lot that goes into each of these subjects, a basic knowledge of each and some common scene can go a long ways in these two areas. We also started in on Petroleum and Water Operations, which we will be covering for the next two weeks.
More Later.
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