Monday, June 17, 2013

Nervous Energy

O.K. I'm 99% sure I will be deploying to Afghanistan this winter, probably sometime in mid-November when I show up at Ft. Polk. How do I know this you ask? Well, my first duty assignment is with the 4th Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, and they just got deployed to Afghanistan this past week. I would say, right now, I feel like a nervous ball of energy and excitement. I know some people stay at the rear (in the United States) during a deployment, but I am really hoping that that's not the case for me. I want to go.

I can't tell you that I know exactly why I want to deploy, but I want to. Maybe its for the experience, maybe its  because its what I agreed to do when I signed on to defend my country. I don't know. All I know is I hope I am on a quick flight out of Ft. Polk to Afghanistan.

Some of you might be saying "now, hold on, don't you want some experience with a platoon before you deploy? Don't you want to know how to do you job before you deploy?" All I can say is that  I hope QM BOLC will give me enough of a basic skill set that I can tackle my assigned duties head on like I would in any of my engineering classes. Just approach it with an open mind and be prepared to take notes and study outside of class. Or in this case take notes and crack open the FMs. Listen to other to, especially those you work with.

My journey will start in  about a month when I drive to Ft. Lee, VA to attend QM BOLC until early November. After that, I will be driving down to Ft. Polk and off to who know what. All I know is the 4th of the 10th will deployed when I show up and report in for my first duty assignment. So, to all the Patriot Brigade members who are currently deployed, best of wishes and stay safe. I hope to meet you down range.

Song of the Week: "Can't Hold Us" by Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis What else can I say, great song from a great artist, with a great message.

Run of the Week: Crazy Canyon If you don't mind a lot of hills, this is a great place. I went biking there last weekend and had a great time. After riding some of the loops, I followed the Crooked Trail (302) home.

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